Wednesday, February 15, 2006

An Invitation

From Reading Between:

The most interesting and pleasurable book I've read over the last year is David Graeber's Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value: The False Coin of our own Dreams. David Graeber is a brilliant anthropologist, also an anarchist and activist, and his book is one of those where 100 ideas spin off every page. It includes lucid critiques of postmodernism, discussion of gift economies, a really interesting perspective on Marx (which caused me to spend the summer reading Das Kapital), a theory of social creativity, and countless lively anthropological examples. I'm still mulling over a small aside he made on the meaning of men's and women's fashion.

I'd like to invite you to read some David Graeber with me. I'll send a free copy of the book to anyone who wants one -- just write to me with your mailing address.

. . .

Step One: Copies of a book are sent to whoever wants to read them (see above).

Step Two: We find a way to talk to one another.

The first tool I'm adding to the project is a discussion forum. All readers and interested parties are invited to join in the conversation. Whatever we make of Reading Between is something we will make together.

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