The recent twitter controversies
about the tag #OpPornPixie involved some serious questions about how communist
criticism of the media works. As a follow up, I want to bring attention to some
articles Marx wrote in 1861 for the New
York Daily Tribune. Marx had a long-standing concern with the press and its
political role. Marx worked as newspaper editor in Germany twice during the 1840s. Throughout the 1850s into the mid-1860s he was
a foreign correspondent for several papers. As an editor he regularly analyzed
and criticized the positions taken in other papers. As a correspondent in 1861
he began writing about British responses to the Civil War for the Tribune’s readers in America. During a
period in 1861 when Parliament was not in session, Marx wrote repeatedly about
the coverage of the war in the British press. In these articles Marx sketches a
brief, clear, and explicit materialist media analysis. The most substantial
part of this sketch appears in the article The London Times and Lord Palmerston.
In this article Marx aims to do
more than simply inform his American audience about British attitudes toward the war. Instead of
just telling them what people in Britain thought or what the British press said,
he instructs politically interested American readers in how to read the British
press and to understand the connection of the press to public opinion. These
instructions explain the forces in British politics and their operations. The
article describes how the British press became one of these forces and how the
government integrated the press into its operations. Marx assumes that for politically
conscious readers to grasp the practical meaning of newspaper writing,
they would need to understand the press as an active element in political relations.
The article also exemplifies the
connection between Marx’s theoretical work on political economy and his journalistic
criticism of politics and media. In 1858
Marx had completed the manuscript known today as theGrundrisse. In it he sketched a comprehensive, conceptually
integrated critique of political economy. In 1859 he had published A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. In this short work he discussed two key
concepts in his critique, money and the commodity, but did not attempt a
systematic exposition of capital. In August of 1861, three months before he
wrote this article, Marx had begun work on what is today known as the Economic Manuscript of 1861-1863 [no
longer available at the Mars-Engels Internet
Archive!], his next major work in the critique. The Manuscript comprised the first draft of Capital. Thus when he wrote his article on the Times, Marx had already begun to formulate his scientific theory of
capitalism as a fundamental process in bourgeois society. In The London Times and Lord Palmerston we
see how this conceptual framework shapes Marx’s criticism of contemporary
The first long paragraph makes up
1/3 of the article and contains the political media analysis. It opens with a
quote about the influence of the Times
“English people participate in the government of their own country by reading The Times newspaper.” Marx follows the assessment with his own qualification,
“This judgment, passed by an eminent English author on what is called British
self-government, is only true so far as the foreign policy of the Kingdom is
concerned.” This opening gambit establishes that the influence exercised by the
Times is an established fact. Marx
will examine that influence, but it is not something he discovered himself. Although
Marx does not name Robert Lowe, who was the author of the quote, we should note
that in 1861 Lowe was the editor of the Times
and that he later served for six years as a minister in the Cabinet. This
estimation of the unique role and profound influence of the Times came from a man who was a key
figure in the collaboration of the press and the government and who spoke with
an insider’s knowledge of that connection.
The opening quote also suggests the
specific historically and socially unique features of the press at that time. When we think of “reading,” we think first of
the basic process of interpreting words
and sentences by which readers cull information. But in a second more important
sense, the quote identifies a particular social quality of that process.
Through reading the Times, its
readers “participate in the government.” In a time when political parties as we
know them now did not exist, the right to vote was highly restricted by
property requirements and the means of communication were much more limited,
the Times made unique information
about the government widely accessible and provided a surrogate means of
participation in government affairs. This participation consisted primarily of
holding a share in public opinion. Now, before this first paragraph is through,
Marx relates these informational and participatory features to the specifically
capitalist features of the Times as a
business. So to apply that perspective from the start, we can say that
information and surrogate participation are what the paper sells. When readers buy
the paper for the use-values of political news and participation, they create
the relationship that is the basis of the paper’s strategic function for the
government. This relationship is “public
Following the quote, Marx qualifies
this claim by limiting it to foreign policy. To prove his point, he mentions several
recent domestic political reforms. While the Times had opposed all these measures, its readers supported them.
To maintain its readership, the paper had to reverse its editorial positions.
Marx then contrasts the way this mediation through the market determined the
domestic views of the paper to the way the paper determines the foreign policy
views of the readers. He makes this first, fundamental point, “In no part of
Europe are the mass of the people, and especially of the middle-classes, more
utterly ignorant of the foreign policy of their own country than in England… .”
When it comes to foreign affairs, the readership, which is constituted as a public
by reading the paper, depends on the paper for information and
political interpretations.
Marx breaks the explanation down
into finer detail. In its details, the explanation is historical and
institutional. The history relates the class divisions of British society and
the effects of capitalist development on the middle classes. Thanks to the
enduring medieval features of British political institutions, the aristocracy
had maintained control over foreign affairs. This social division of labor and
the absorption of the middle classes in earning their living results in public
ignorance of foreign affairs. The exclusion of the middle classes from this
political power means “the aristocracy
acted for them … .” The confinement of the ideas of the middle class to earning
money means, “the press thought for
them … .” Because the aristocrats and the publishers effective monopolize their
respective aspects of foreign policy they have a shared goal, “their mutual
interest to combine.” Marx summarizes
the outcome of this combination, “since the beginning of this century, the
great London papers have constantly played the part of attorneys to the
heaven-born managers of English foreign policy.” The particular configuration Marx
describes an arrangement of shared power has existed for only sixty years.
Marx then identifies the stages
in this collaboration between the governing aristocracy and the opinion creating
press over those six decades. As political participation broadened through
bourgeois economic and political revolution, the aristocracy that exercised
foreign policy power narrowed into an “oligarchy.” The Cabinet came into
existence as the formal institutional representation of the oligarchy. Marx
characterizes the Cabinet as “a secret conclave.” The Cabinet was a political
innovation. It did not belong to the traditional constitutional order and it operated
beyond conventional controls over executive action. In recent decades Lord
Palmerston had assumed personal control over the cabinet and over foreign
policy. With Palmerston’s “usurpation” the political, institutional side of the
process is complete. In this very specific political conjuncture of 1861 Marx
highlights the ambitions and actions of a single man and describes the formal
institution within which he worked in terms of covert collusions. Marx’s close
attention to Palmerston in fact extended back for years. In 1853 he had already
written a seven-article series about Palmerston’s career that appeared in both the Tribune and in England in the People’s Paper. These articles were
subsequently republished as a pamphlet that sold over 20,000 copies. In this
sense, the article on the Times is an
addendum to Marx’s earlier reports about Palmerston and his politics.
Over these same years the developments in the “field
of newspaper-mongering” that enable the collaboration of politics and press result
from an inherent tendency of capital. Marx attributes the singular potential of
the Times to play its role to “the
law of concentration” and its rapid operation in the sector of the press. “Concentration” is a technical term in Marx’s
theoretical critique of political economy. In the Grundrisse Marx observes the phenomenon of concentration, but does
not derive a definition from his observations. In the Economic Manuscript of 1861-1863 the few references to
concentration are now collected in Notebook IV on relative surplus value.
Ultimately the concept of relative surplus value will provide the terms for the
definition of concentration, but in 1861 Marx still has not formulated this
definition. The reference to the “law” of concentration, however, suggests Marx
does have a particular systematic process in mind already. So let’s look ahead at the
definition of the concentration of capital in Capital. (see section 2 of the linked chapter) ‘Concentration’ labels the
distinctive aspect of accumulation in capitalism. It identifies the constantly
increasing application of technology as an expression of the inherent need to
obtain the greatest possible physical output from a constant amount of labor.
The incorporation of technology into production on an ever increasing scale
leads to, and at the same time results from, the accelerating growth of individual
capitals. As the Times employs more
and better presses and reaches a larger and more widely distributed readership,
it becomes the new and unique medium of “the national paper.”
This conclusion about the Times illustrates a fundamental
conceptual difference between Marx’s writing in his critique of political
economy and his political writing for broad reading audiences. In the critiques
his inferences about concentration are concerned exclusively with the
implications of concentration within the processes of production and accumulation. For example, in
the Economic Manuscript of 1861-1863,
Marx characterizes concentration as a “material determinant for production on
an expanded scale.” In Capital the
discussion additionally specifies consequences of concentration for the
employment of living labor.
In this article Marx is equally concerned with accumulation in the newspaper industry as the material determinant of a social process. But from the ‘law of concentration’ he here draws an inference about political relationships and processes. Their determination by the ‘law of concentration’ means that these political processes are capitalist in their nature and that their very form results from class relations. Yet these consequences of concentration have nothing to do with the immediate process of production or with questions of exploitation and accumulation. The quantitative growth in the scale of operations of the press determines a qualitative transformation in the character of the print medium. This transformation in turn determines a new form of political participation and this new form of political participation provides a new instrument for politicians operating in the political institutions of bourgeois society.
In this article Marx is equally concerned with accumulation in the newspaper industry as the material determinant of a social process. But from the ‘law of concentration’ he here draws an inference about political relationships and processes. Their determination by the ‘law of concentration’ means that these political processes are capitalist in their nature and that their very form results from class relations. Yet these consequences of concentration have nothing to do with the immediate process of production or with questions of exploitation and accumulation. The quantitative growth in the scale of operations of the press determines a qualitative transformation in the character of the print medium. This transformation in turn determines a new form of political participation and this new form of political participation provides a new instrument for politicians operating in the political institutions of bourgeois society.
Palmerston’s sole power over
foreign policy and the Times’ sole
access to a national readership thus lead to a very particular combination of
the government and the press. Marx observes, “Lord Palmerston, who secretly and
from motives unknown to the people at large, to Parliament and even to his own
colleagues, managed the Foreign affairs of the British Empire, must have been
very stupid if he had not tried to possess himself of the one paper which had
usurped the power of passing public judgment in the name of the English people
on his own secret doings.” This
observation has several significant implications about the combination of press
and politics in 1861. To assert that Palmerston would have been “stupid” not to
initiate the collaboration implies that the potential was self-evident. From the perspective of the
law of concentration in the press, it was inevitable, since the Times would
have needed “more than Spartan virtue” not to combine with Palmerston. Marx also
says that both Palmerston and the Times “usurped” their power. We can imagine Palmerston’s
usurpation of political power as the result of intrigue and manipulation. The usurpation
of power by the Times results from
success in accumulating capital to expand operations. Success in competition in this particular branch
inherently produces an undemocratic outcome. In this one sentence Marx also points
out twice that Palmerston’s “motives” and his “doings” are “secret.” The
reasons and actions of the government are consciously clandestine. The
function of the Times is “judging them for the nation” and “representing the
public mind," yet in this public function it maintains that clandestine
secrecy. The Times provides a judgement of Palmerston’s motives and actions that does not describe,
explain or interpret them factually. This deliberate discrepancy between Palmerston’s
clandestine motives and actions and
their representation in the press is a necessary, inherent feature of the
creation of public opinion.
In this combination at the
initiative of Palmerston, Marx says the Times
sought to “ally” itself to the minister but Palmerston treated the paper as his
“slave.” Palmerston achieved this one-sided relationship through two principal
means. To employees of the Times he
gave subordinate jobs in ministries and access to his social circle. Marx sums
up the role of the Times once this combination
was effected, “the whole business of The Times, so far
as the foreign affairs of the British Empire are concerned, is limited to
manufacturing a public opinion to conform to Lord Palmerston’s foreign policy.
It has to prepare the public mind for what he intends doing, and to make it
acquiesce in what he has done.” The strategic political function of the Times is not identical with its business
as a whole. The editorial positions and reportorial content of the Times cannot be directly inferred from
its business interests or even from the more general class interests of its
owners. The content produced in the manufacturing of public opinion is determined
by political dictates.
In the remainder of the article, Marx
uses two examples to illustrate how the Times
edits its reporting on Palmerston’s behalf. He bluntly identifies the
mechanics of manipulation and spin. In the first example, three members of
Parliament had made speeches about Palmerston’s diplomatic maneuvers and
political methods in the preceding thirty years. In two cases the Times simply “suppressed” the most
damaging evidence. In the third, procedural parliamentary tricks failed to
prevent the speech from being given, and the paper then inadvertently reported the
speech in full because the “editor specially charged with the task of
mutilating and cooking the parliamentary reports” had taken time off. To cover
its lapse, the Times attempted to
disqualify the criticisms. It argued that the attempts on the floor of
Parliament to prevent the speech were justified because the speaker was a
“bore.” Marx calls the work of this type done by the Times “drudgery” because its writers must take the Parliamentary
reports and literally overnight “mutilate, alter, [and] falsify” them for
In the second example Marx discusses how, at
the drop of a hat the Times reversed
its support of the Confederacy and its opposition to the United States in
accord with Palmerston’s policy. Marx specifies significant features of this
reversal. The Times can even more easily employ “misstatement and suppression”
on foreign news than it did on domestic reports. This spin on the news does not
follow from any consideration of the business interests of “the British Cotton
Lords” nor of “real or supposed English interest.” Instead, the editorial
manipulation of reporting “simply executed the orders of its master.”
In addition, the reversal occurred simultaneously in a number of papers “connected with” Palmerston. Not only did all the papers act at the same time, they reversed their editorial position prior to any public statement by Palmerston himself. As his agents, they were preparing public opinion for the change of direction. In both examples Marx charges the paper with plain and simple misrepresentation. Facts are omitted, they are changed and they are mendaciously misinterpreted. These manipulations are the mechanical execution of the strategic motive driving the creation of public opinion. “Falsifying” public opinion is the paper’s political function. Like the policies it justifies, the process of justification rests on covert and collusive manipulation.
In addition, the reversal occurred simultaneously in a number of papers “connected with” Palmerston. Not only did all the papers act at the same time, they reversed their editorial position prior to any public statement by Palmerston himself. As his agents, they were preparing public opinion for the change of direction. In both examples Marx charges the paper with plain and simple misrepresentation. Facts are omitted, they are changed and they are mendaciously misinterpreted. These manipulations are the mechanical execution of the strategic motive driving the creation of public opinion. “Falsifying” public opinion is the paper’s political function. Like the policies it justifies, the process of justification rests on covert and collusive manipulation.
In this first article, Marx establishes
the “subserviency” of the “public-opinion-mongers” to Palmerston. He targets the
influence exercised by a powerful official whom he singles out by name. Marx represents
the instrumentalization of the press as a process of personal corruption and
manipulation through “emoluments and advantages.” Both the policies the press
supports and the collusion through which they support them are products of
covert collaborations. Neither the policies nor the editorial positions toward
them can be deduced directly from economic interests of particular participants
or from national interests. The inherent tendencies of capitalist development
and the specific levels and forms those developments have reached in England in
1861 set the parameters for the political arrangements between the government
and the media. Marx criticizes those arrangements for the benefit of his
politically conscious readers so they can better understand the relations that produce
that reporting and its immediate political functions.
In the months following this
article, Marx’s journalism often returned to the topic of the press. He relies
on this model to discuss further examples of politically instrumentalized
reporting and adds further detail to the model. In a second post I will follow
up on these writings.
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